





⭕Technology on energy conservation and new energy auto

论述方面: Research fields: 二手车新形发动机系统化分析与开发设计 Research and development of new type auto power system 汽年热车机生物燃料与丙烷燃烧提高技能论述 Research on auto engine fuel and combustion optimization technology 代用液体燃料客车探究与设计 Research and development of alternative fuel vehicle 气车扭矩系统软件连接与节约技木分析 Research on the matching and energy conservation technology of auto power system 汽年热生态十分铜管理技巧分析 Research on the technology of auto thermal environment and thermal management 研发成效: Research finding: 混合型喂养趋势长途汽车/乘小二租车趋势软件系统工艺电商平台探讨制作 Research and development of hybrid electric passenger car power system technology platform 混合型驱动力屏幕总成冲击测试台架 Hybrid power assembly test-bed 改变牌LNG新型产品大巴的探究与激发 Research and development of JIEFANG LNG new type passenger car 我国国内第一款“电控系统单个然料LPG国Ⅳ汽车”的设计 Development of “Electrical control monofuel LPG State Ⅳ saloon car” first produced domestically 电气控制液压多路阀驱动包可变性气门平台 Variable valve mechanism of electrical control hydraulic drive

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